
#33 Hannah Witton (YouTuber) - On Sex Education & Contraception

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Hannah Witton has popular YouTube channel with over 200,000 subscribers and likes to spread positive messages about sex, relationships, body image, gender & sexuality and doesn’t take herself too seriously.

She’s worked with the likes of MTV & Durex – In 2013 she was shortlisted for Young Person of the Year at the Sexual Health Awards and Her short film on the History of Homosexuality was a finalist in the Guardian and Oxford University Press’ Very Short Film Competition in 2013.

in 2014 she was shortlisted for Best Vlog at the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards.

Hannah was also the first ever YouTuber to present Radio 1’s hour long show ‘The Internet Takeover’.

We talk feminism, hormones, contraception, periods and MORE!
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