Liana De la Rosa

To Tame A Scandalous Lady

In the wake of a fire that decimates his racing stock, Christian Andrews, the Marquess of Amstead, struggles to keep his family's stud farm from slipping into ruin and painstakingly rebuilds the program. When one of his prime stallions is injured, he notices his new assistant trainer has a special way with the horses. As talented as the trainer is, once he realizes he is a she . . . and a very beautiful, spirited she at that . . . he should sack her before scandal breaks. But it's only weeks before the high stakes race he's counting on to build back his fortune, and Flora should be by his side for the win.

Miserable under the weight of the ton's expectations, headstrong Lady Flora Campbell laments her privileged life in London. Embracing her dream of working with racehorses, she disguises herself as a lad and slips away to learn as much as she can from England's premier expert, Christian Andrews, never thinking of the scandal she courts but the glory to be had.

Although she develops tender feelings for the dashing marquess, she can never let on that she's not only a woman, but the daughter of a duke . . .

Contains mature themes.
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