J.N. Richmond,G.L. Raymond

Marriage Essentials Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle

Marriage Essentials Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: How Marriages Succeed and Marriage Communication
Marriage is a lifetime commitment. In reality, marriage can be hard to keep together when one or both are not committed enough. Statistics show that 50% of marriages end up in divorce. And the number goes higher for every subsequent marriage. In order for a relationship to work, both parties must be equally committed to the idea of making the relationship work as best as possible. This includes exploring ways to spend time with each other without the need to be forced into doing so. Sometimes when a marriage seems to be in trouble, both parties will ignore the sign in the hope that things will eventually work themselves out and everything will be ok in the end. However in most cases this is never the ideal outcome and things just escalate further until it becomes so unbearable that the only solution would be divorce.
This bundle will teach you how to make your marriage work and succeed. You will learn the steps necessary to keep your marriage together. You will learn how to communicate effectively with your spouse so you can minimize fights or any misunderstanding and the two of you will always be on the same page. If there are any issues, you will also learn useful tips and advice on how to seek counseling so you can both save your marriage.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
How Marriages Succeed: Get the Best Marriage Advice and Tips on How to Fix Your Marriage and Make Sure it LastsMarriage Communication: The Ultimate Guide on How to Effectively Communicate in Your Marriage, Learn How to Deal with Conflicts and Disagreements in a Healthy Way and Keep Your Marriage HappyIf you want to learn more, download your copy of Marriage Essentials 2 in 1 Bundle today!
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