M.H. Greaves

Sprints and Marathon Handbook

Sprints and Marathon Handbook: The Ultimate Guide on How to Run and Train For Sprints and Marathons

If you plan to join marathons in the future, then you should learn how to properly train and prepare for it. To decide to join a marathon means you’re deciding to live a healthier life. The physical effort will improve your blood circulation, strengthen your heart and shape your muscles. Aside from getting fit and healthy, you will learn new skills and will have the chance to inspire other people. If you’re already a runner, it doesn’t automatically mean you can just join a marathon tomorrow. You need the proper training and preparation.
This audiobook will teach you all about sprints and marathons and how you can essentially run much faster. You will learn useful tricks and tips on how you can gain speed while running and become a better runner overall. Here is a preview of the topics that will be discussed in this audiobook: Sprints Basics, Should You Sprint? Sprinting Faster, Marathon Basics, You Must Breathe Right, Bonus: Running for Weight Loss and much much more!
In order to learn more, download your copy of Sprints and Marathon Handbook today!
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