Karla Wayers



The following topics are included in this 2-book combo:

Book 1: Creativity is an art. Of course, some people have been exercising this art more than others. But there are ways for everyone to do so. In this book, we will touch on some of the best ways to boost your creative skills. We will go over some creative block breakers that have worked for others, so you won’t get stuck in your thoughts.

On top of all this, we will tell you more about the origins of creativeness, where it comes from, and why human beings are more prone to be creative than animals. In order to clarify this, we’ll dive into some neuroscience and brain activity that happens when we are working in creative ways. Certain scientific experiments will be referred to as well.

If this is something for you, then I encourage you to not wait any longer.

Book 2: Is passion the same as creativity?

Is creativity just coming up with new ideas?

Actually, the answer to both of these questions is “no.” But there is so much more to it, and in order to understand that, this guide can shed more light on those matters.

The book will discuss some ways to be more creative, some ways to turn creativity into developing new projects, inspiration, and how to combine passion with creativity. These are at the heart of innovation and expanding businesses, art projects, relationships, and so many other things in life.

Go ahead and start reading or listening.
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