And That's Why We Drink, AudioBoom

171: A Vegetarian Lake Monster and a Proud Consumptive

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Pour one out for Michael Scott, Juniper and Em's computer! We attempted to up our game and record video this week and accidentally crashed Em's computer... oops! But that only means we get the chance to release the audio from one of our favorite live shows: Minneapolis at the beautiful Varsity Theater! Sit back, relax and get your drinks ready while we tell you the tales of Pepie the monster of Lake Pepin. He's either the size of a leg, an elephant or 20 feet, we're not exactly sure. Then Christine covers "the most cold blooded murderer who ever walked god's footstool", Harry Hayward and his dramatic murder of the badass dressmaker Kitty Ging. We're also mildly confused by the Minneapolis hamster tubes... and that's why we drink!
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