Alice Van Leer Carrick

Kitty-Cat Tales

Poor Dolly! Mother and Father have gone to Grandmother's house and there is no one to tell her a bedtime story. Impty, the black, black kitten with the long thin legs and thin curved tail, will cuddle up to Dolly. Every night for nine nights, just like a cat's nine lives, Impty will purr the Kitty-Cat Tales to the lonely little girl.This charming collection of cat folk tales, some familiar to children and some not, will make you wish you could go to Cat Land too!These entertaining stories by Alice Van Leer Carrick are told in a simple direct fashion appealing to children.Including:The White Cat;The King of the Field Mice;The Discontented Cat;The Cat Who Married a Mouse;Mother Michel and Her Cat;Venus and the Cat;The Cat and the Fox;Dick Whittington and His Wonderful Cat;The Funeral of Tom Grimalkin;The King of the Cats; andPuss-in-Boots.Knowing how important language development is to success in school, educator AnnaLisa Bodtker created alenbeebooks. Audiobooks enhance listening skills, increase vocabulary, and allow children to enjoy books above their reading levels. Alenbeebooks selects well written stories and poems, that are narrated in an engaging manner, to promote good language skills.
copyright 2021 (P) alenbeebooks
AnnaLisa Bodtker is the narrator of the popular audiobooks The Rainbow and the Rose by Edith Nesbit and With Trumpet and Drum by Eugene Field.
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