Falcon Press

Summary of Christopher Andersen's Game of Crowns

Summary of Christopher Andersen's Game of Crowns blends historical narrative with an in-depth account of the personal lives of members of the British royal family. He considers the stability of the past, present, and future monarchy under Queen Elizabeth II and her heirs, including the nation’s crisis of confidence following the death of Princess Diana in 1997 and the similar crisis that’s likely to unfold when Prince Charles assumes power.
In addition to the royals named in the title—Elizabeth, Camilla, and Kate—Andersen closely examines the lives and personal relationships of Charles and Diana, and to a lesser extent, their son William. Though he begins with Elizabeth’s assumption of power in 1952 and follows through to the present day, he gives particular attention to the circumstances that led to the public’s intense dislike of Charles and Camilla and celebration of William and his young family…
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