Victor Higgins


This is a 2-book combo, which has the following titles:

Book 1: Are there sociopaths in your life? You bet! You may not recognize them, or they may not be serial killers. Perhaps they are not causing any trouble at all. But to know what to look for, is pretty important, if you ask me. It’s interesting that some people just don’t have that much of a conscience. And every person chooses how to deal with that differently. It can reflect on their actions in different ways.

Moreover, sociopaths typically abuse the conscience of others by manipulating them with guilt-trips, blackmail, and other secret techniques. Psychopaths are similar, but they are not the same. We will discuss that too. Other topics in this book include why many male sociopaths objectify women, the motivations of a sociopath, and the three steps for identifying one.

Book 2: In this guide, we will focus on several topics. For one, we will explore the reasons why so many times, sociopaths and narcissists are elected as leaders of countries, cities, or companies. We will also study sociopaths’ seduction techniques and the ratio in the population as compare to earlier in history. Furthermore, you will learn more about the tips sociopaths give each to manipulate their victims. And last but not least, we will show you some pointers to dealing with sociopathic children.

All in all, this a guide worth studying.
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