Allen Brokken

Still Small Voice

In a vision, Lauren, Aiden, and Ethan are called to save their parents...
but their uncle has other plans.
Unyielding in his belief, Uncle leads the children off their path. And a misguided acolyte follows them. Lurking in the shadows, he strikes at every opportunity as the dark forces prepare to descend.
Can the children help Uncle see the light before it's too late?
Fans of Little House on the Prairie will feel at home in the series' classic frontier setting, and the sincerity of the children's love for one another and desire to do the right thing will bring a smile to listeners of all ages.
Buy Still Small Voice to listen with your family or confidently give it to your middle-grade listener, knowing he or she will be ensconced in a wholesome and riveting experience, beginning to end.
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