Amber Nicole


Slaggitariusje citiraoпре 8 месеци
Very well. Then I promise." He looked down at where I still held his hands. "Does this require another pinkie?"
Slaggitariusje citiraoпре 8 месеци
I bit my lip as I threw the car into park. "Gods, it is a surprise you have any friends at all."

"Says the one whose friends repeatedly try to kill her."
Slaggitariusje citiraoпре 8 месеци
"I came to apologize."

"Fuck off."


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👍Vredna čitanja

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    Amber Nicole
    The Book of Azrael
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  • Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈje podelio/la utisakпре 8 месеци
    👍Vredna čitanja

  • nedostupno
    Amber Nicole
    The Book of Azrael
    • 64
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