
Louise Maude

Louise Maude (1855–1939), the daughter of a British merchant living in Moscow was - along with her husband Aylmer Maude (1858 – 1938) - an English translator of Tolstoy's works. Tolstoy was a friend of the family and authorised Louise Maude to write his biography in 1902.She lived many years in Russia, and then moved with Aylmer to England where she continued translating Tolstoy's writing and promoting public interest in his work. (Source: Wikipedia)


qjc7htd9spje citiraoпре 2 месеца
There­fore I hated life; be­cause the work that is wrought un­der the sun is griev­ous unto me: for all is van­ity and vex­a­tion of spirit.
qjc7htd9spje citiraoпрошлог месеца
In con­tra­dis­tinc­tion to us, who the wiser we are the less we un­der­stand the mean­ing of life, and see some evil irony in the fact that we suf­fer and die, these folk live and suf­fer, and they ap­proach death and suf­fer­ing with tran­quil­lity and in most cases gladly.
Ali Alizadehje citiraoпрошле године
I was bap­tized and brought up in the Ortho­dox Chris­tian faith. I was taught it in child­hood and through­out my boy­hood and youth. But when I aban­doned the second course of the uni­ver­sity at the age of eight­een I no longer be­lieved any of the things I had been taught.

Judging by cer­tain memor­ies, I never ser­i­ously be­lieved them, but had merely re­lied on what I was taught and on what was pro­fessed by the grown-up people around me, and that re­li­ance was very un­stable.
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