
Benjamin Franklin

  • Светлана Вирановскаяje citiralaпре 2 године
    while on a visit to his friend,
  • TempterPS Psje citiraoпре 10 месеци
    I re­mem­ber his be­ing dis­suaded by some of his friends from the un­der­tak­ing, as not likely to suc­ceed, one news­pa­per be­ing, in their judg­ment, enough for Amer­ica.
  • TempterPS Psje citiraoпре 9 месеци
    man be­ing some­times more gen­er­ous when he has but a little money than when he has plenty, per­haps through fear of be­ing thought to have but little.
  • TempterPS Psje citiraoпре 8 месеци
    the task should be a ver­sion of the eight­eenth Psalm, which de­scribes the des­cent of a Deity.
  • TempterPS Psje citiraoпре 5 месеци
    one man of tol­er­able abil­it­ies may work great changes, and ac­com­plish great af­fairs among man­kind, if he first forms a good plan, and, cut­ting off all amuse­ments or other em­ploy­ments that would di­vert his at­ten­tion, makes the ex­e­cu­tion of that same plan his sole study and busi­ness.
  • Berenice Jimenezje citiralaпре 2 године
    I en­ter­tained an opin­ion that, though cer­tain ac­tions might not be bad be­cause they were for­bid­den by it, or good be­cause it com­manded them, yet prob­ably these ac­tions might be for­bid­den be­cause they were bad for us, or com­manded be­cause they were be­ne­fi­cial to us, in their own natures, all the cir­cum­stances of things con­sidered.
  • Berenice Jimenezje citiralaпре 2 године
    Tho­mas God­frey, a self-taught math­em­atician, great in his way, and af­ter­ward in­ventor of what is now called Had­ley’s Quad­rant. But he knew little out of his way, and was not a pleas­ing com­pan­ion; as, like most great math­em­aticians I have met with, he ex­pec­ted uni­ver­sal pre­ci­sion in everything said, or was forever deny­ing or dis­tin­guish­ing upon trifles, to the dis­turb­ance of all con­ver­sa­tion. He soon left us
  • ann karagwaje citiraoпрошле године
    He wished to please every­body; and, hav­ing little to give, he gave ex­pect­a­tions.
  • ann karagwaje citiraoпрошле године
    Keep­ing holy the Sab­bath day. 2. Be­ing di­li­gent in read­ing the holy Scrip­tures. 3. At­tend­ing duly the pub­lic wor­ship. 4. Par­tak­ing of the Sac­ra­ment. 5. Pay­ing a due re­spect to God’s min­is­ters
  • ann karagwaje citiraoпрошле године
    Keep­ing holy the Sab­bath day. 2. Be­ing di­li­gent in read­ing the holy Scrip­tures. 3. At­tend­ing duly the pub­lic wor­ship. 4. Par­tak­ing of the Sac­ra­ment. 5. Pay­ing a due re­spect to God’s min­is­ters
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