Daunt Books


Ivana Melgozaje citiralaпрошлог месеца
It was for his sake, whom I hated, and for the sake of my father, whom I loved, that I had avoided screaming their state secret out loud. There was a grain of calculation in my self-renunciation. Eumelos saw through me. My father did not.
dianaje citiralaпре 2 године
Pages of azure ink. And the man on the waves, feeling his way through the winter, slipping passively beneath the waves, an afterimage in his wake, a woman’s shoulder, belly, breast, the small of her back, the lines tapering to become a mere stroke of the pen, a thread of ink on the thigh, and on the thigh a long, fine
carved with a brush
on the scales of a fish.
Ivana Melgozaje citiralaпре 3 месеца
Once again limb-loosing love shakes me, bitter-sweet, untamable, a dusky animal.

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