Devyn Rivers


Canaryje citiralaпре 2 месеца
is in the breaking, we become whole again.

It is through darkness, we find the stars.

Somewhere between the soul and the self,

we find what we’re made of.
Canaryje citiralaпре 2 месеца
is in the breaking, we become whole again.

It is through darkness, we find the stars.

Somewhere between the soul and the self,

we find what we’re made of.
Canaryje citiralaпре 2 месеца
is in the breaking, we become whole again.

It is through darkness, we find the stars.

Somewhere between the soul and the self,

we find what we’re made of.


Canaryje podelio/la utisakпре 2 месеца
👍Vredna čitanja


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