
Suzanne Wright

Suzanne Wright lives in England with her husband, two children, and her bulldog. When she's not spending time with her family, she's writing, reading, or doing her version of housework - sweeping the house with a look.


books_&_desireje citiraoпре 2 месеца
Taryn only smiled. “Is there no way you could just pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow?”
books_&_desireje citiraoпрошле године
She actually rolled her eyes at him. Rolled. Her. Eyes.
Christian's butterfly 🦋je citiralaпре 2 године
Much like shifters, all demons – no matter the breed – had a dualism to the soul. Whereas shifters shared their soul with an animal, demons shared theirs with a conscienceless dark predator that lacked empathy, was unable to emotionally connect, and had a strong sense of entitlement. An inner demon could surface, enabling it to then talk and take control. The only outward indication of such a thing would be that the person’s eyes would turn totally black


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    Suzanne Wright
    Wild Hunger
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