Johnny Truant,Sean Platt

The Smarter Artist Locker

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Writing a novel? Learning indie publishing? This is the complete guide you’ve been waiting for. All FIVE Smarter Artist books from Sean M Platt and Johnny Truant in one complete collection. 
Now with additional BONUS content you’ll only find here in the Smarter Artist Locker. 
In 2013 Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant wrote and published 1.5 million words (a Harry Potter series and a half's worth of fiction). Then they showed the world how they did it.
Write. Publish. Repeat.
This book is not a formula with an easy path to follow. It is a guidebook that will help you build a successful indie publishing career, no matter what type of writer you are … so long as you're the type who's willing to do the work. It covers expert methods for enhancing creativity, building story worlds, characters, and plots, understanding your market (right down to your ideal reader), using the best tools possible to capture your draft, and explains proven best practices for editing. The book also discusses covers, titles, formatting, pricing, publishing to multiple platforms and the psychology-driven marketing plan that Sean and Johnny built to shape their stories into “products” that readers couldn't help but be drawn into.
“For my money, this is the best book on self-publishing out there.” -David Gaughran
“The most important book on self-publishing I've ever read.” -Karol Gajda
“Consider it the most valuable guide book to publishing success.” -Jim Kukral, Author Marketing Club
Fiction Unboxed
Part hero’s journey, part crash course in storytelling by the modern mavericks of indie publishing, and the bestselling authors of Write. Publish. Repeat., Fiction Unboxed offers something that’s never been offered before: a naked look into two writer’s process as they wrote and published a book in 30 days, from scratch, in front of the world.
“An Indispensable View of the Writer's World”
“Invaluable Investment for the Self-Publisher's Personal Library”
“A Book About Bravery”
The One with All The Writing Advice
Follow along with bestselling authors Johnny B. Truant and Sean Platt as they examine definitive episodes of the TV classic Friends, sharing the lessons that every novelist, from aspiring to experienced, can apply to create believable characters and develop story arcs that will captivate their readers from start to finish. 
Writing Online
Writing Online is more than a writing book. It's a road map to show you how to make a great living from writing. It teaches you not only how to write copy that sells, but also marketing, blogging, social media, SEO, list building, and how to build a strong reader or fan base.
“Sean teaches you how to do it (write online) effectively, and actually make a living with your words. The fact that he practices what he preaches seals the deal — it's time to get this book and go pro.” -Brian Clark, of Copyblogger
Iterate and Optimize
The top-to-bottom guide to taking your writing and publishing business from square one to stratosphere. Iterate and Optimize is a behind-the-scenes peek into how indie publishing company Sterling & Stone grew their three-author team into a juggernaut, and a next-level guide for authors looking to do the same.
˃˃˃ What Indie Authors and Thought Leaders Are Saying About Sean M. Platt and Johnny Truant
“Two of the best in the biz… A gem for aspiring authors.” -Hugh Howey
“It's tough to find more honest and straight-forward marketing advice than what you'll get from these indie authors.” -Jane Friedman, former publisher of Writer's Digest
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