Barbara Taylor

An Altar in the World

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In this highly acclaimed and lyrical modern classic, bestselling author Barbara Brown Taylor reveals the countless ways we can discover divine depths in the small things we do and see every day.

While people will often go to extraordinary lengths in search of a 'spiritual experience', she shows that the stuff of our
everyday lives is a holy ground where we can encounter God at every turn. For her, as for Jacob in the Genesis story, even
barren, empty deserts can become “the house of God and the gate of heaven”, places where a ladder of angels connects
heaven to earth and earth to heaven.

An Altar in the World reveals concrete ways to discover the sacred in such ordinary occurrences as hanging out the washing, doing the supermarket shop, feeding an animal, or losing our way. It will transform our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in, and renew our sense of wonder at the extraordinary gift of life.
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