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Anna Shapiro

Parents and Children: Relationships Born from Love. Inspired By the Wisdom of Yoga

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Parents and children will be inspired to develop a true love for each other with the wisdom of yoga shared in this text. In Parents and Children: Relationships Born from Love, you’ll learn meditation techniques to calm emotions, yoga postures that promote a healthier body, and ways people of all ages can use yoga to alleviate the harmful effects of a wide spectrum of physical and emotional conditions. “This is a clear, comprehensive, easy to understand and follow guidebook for creating happy, harmonious, loving family relationships. The book is written with such kindness and compassion, exactly the qualities the author hopes toawaken in her readers. This book could do immense good to help individuals and families find their way to the fulfillment of heart we all seek.” — Nayaswami Asha, spiritual director of Ananda Palo Alto, CA; teacher; counselor; author.
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