Prasad Kaipa,Meera Shenoy

You Can

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Management gurus tell us there are lessons to learn from inspirational lives.And that we do not have to wait a life time to integrate these lessons into our lives.
The real life stories profiled in this book cover entrepreneurs ranging from some in wheel chairs to blind persons who build their businesses with zest and energy. It looks at CEOs who hire youth with disability and make products for this market, because it makes business sense. And it celebrates those who have converted disability in their personal lives to an opportunity to touch and transform other vulnerable lives.
Reading these stories calms and focuses our mind and show us how lucky I am compared to the so many others. They alsoinspire us to stop whining about the vicissitudes of life and to expand our abilities to the utmost.
Becoming Smarter and Wiser is a journey — Walk with Us .
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