bookmate game
Francis Grose

The Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue

  • Olivia Sovereignje citiralaпре 4 месеца
    BENE DARKMANS. Goodnight.
  • Olivia Sovereignje citiralaпре 4 месеца
    BEETLE-HEADED. Dull, stupid
  • Olivia Sovereignje citiralaпре 4 месеца
    BATCHELOR'S FARE. Bread and cheese and kisses
  • Olivia Sovereignje citiralaпре 4 месеца
    He gave them the bag
  • Olivia Sovereignje citiralaпре 4 месеца
    o manoeuvre the apostles
  • Olivia Sovereignje citiralaпре 4 месеца
    ACCOUNTS. To cast up one's accounts; to vomit
  • Katy Reasorje citiralaпре 4 године
    BAWD. A female procuress.
  • Katy Reasorje citiralaпре 4 године
    BAT. A low whore
  • Katy Reasorje citiralaпре 4 године
    BALUM RANCUM. A hop or dance, where the women are
    all prostitutes.
  • Katy Reasorje citiralaпре 4 године
    BALLOCKS. The testicles of a man or beast; also a vulgar
    nick name for a parson.
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