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Wensley Clarkson

Evil Beyond Belief – How and Why Dr Harold Shipman Murdered 357 People

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This is the story of a man who was addicted to murder; a man who wickedly abused the trust of his patients with horrifying results. Dr Harold Shipman was a pillar of the community, serving on local committees, donating prizes to sports clubs and organizing charity collections. His patients saw him as kind, attentive and never too busy to chat. Yet behind this charming facade lay a prolific serial killer with at least 300 suspected victims. Small, bespectacled Dr Shipman was making house calls – and then committing murder with bloodcurdling expertise and professionalism. This book looks behind the man and reveals how Shipman continued to be a doting husband and father, trusted and liked by most of his patients. It looks at how he was able to get away with murder for so long and why he was driven by a lust for death.
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