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Robin Sacredfire

How to Be Awesome: How to Live Life to the Fullest and Be Successful In Everything You Do

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Most people have no idea about what they should be doing in life, what kind of life purpose they should be following and, much less, their inner and undiscovered talents and qualities.
The potential to be famous and successful is the same for everyone. But we all have problems in the same proportion of our ambitions and dreams.
Life presents itself in such a way because there's a relation between what we think, what we believe, what we suffer the most with, what we love to do and what we feel about ourselves.
Knowing the connection among all these elements and how they interact is what has made people seem awesome.
Anyone can be awesome, live life to the fullest and be successful, but the secrets have been very well-hidden from society and even scientists.
Here, these secrets are revealed with an honest approach based on real life examples that anyone can follow to rediscover a new personality and transform the future in a completely new direction, with more hope and confidence.
What is offered is, in truth, the path to a new you.
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  • Arez llyonje podelio/la utisakпре 5 година
    👍Vredna čitanja
    🚀Čita se u jednom dahu

    Everyone wants to find love, but is often too afraid to love themselves or tend to feel they’re not lovable.
    Isn’t interesting that most women think they’re ugly but want to find a man that loves them for who they are?
    What they show to others is a big part of who they are and determines what they think about themselves. Therefore, these women don’t want to love themselves but believe a man should do it. It’s like cooking a dish that we don’t want to eat and expecting someone else to do it.


  • Анита Шарафутдиноваje citiralaпре 3 године
    Perfection is an illusion, but also a goal, and such goal emerges from a projection of the imaginary self
  • Анита Шарафутдиноваje citiralaпре 3 године
    If you live like you can die tomorrow, your state of mind immediately alters in a very radical form
  • Kj ferrarenje citiraoпре 7 месеци
    Freud said that "Men have gained control over the forces of nature to such an extent that with their help they would have no difficulty in exterminating one another to the last man" (in The Future of an Illusion, Freud 1927), he claimed that humans are self-destructive by nature.

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