Angela Smith,Jeffrey M. Warren,Siu-Man Raymond Ting

Developing Online Learning Environments in Nursing Education

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This third edition of the best-selling nurse educator’s handbook on using online teaching tools and assessing their results keeps pace with the rapid-fire progression in digital learning that has occurred since the second edition was published in 2008. Completely revised and updated, this edition presents several new interactive digital tools and current guidelines in translating courses from the classroom to the online environment. It provides new content on Web-based learning theories and how to optimally teach students using the latest technology. Additionally, this edition offers new information on staff development and a new chapter on the role of staff development educator, guides instructors on how to build an on-line community, and includes practical, proven measures for student assessment and evaluation in online education.

Using a step-by-step approach, the book discusses the basics of online learning, its infrastructure, and its technical support needs. Current evidenced-based research examines teacher-student interactions, course management, web-based resources, and best-practices. The text also includes an overview of free and for-purchase technologies and describes how to choose those technologies that meet the needs of a particular teaching situation. The book is completely interactive, containing web-based tools to enhance methods and concepts. Chapters also include interactive case studies, tutorials, and exercises to enhance learning and test learning styles. This text will not only provide optimal guidance for using the Web to teach students and professional nurses skills they need to embrace best practices and achieve optimal outcomes, it will also instill in them the habits of lifelong learning.

New to the third edition:

Includes new web-based interactive features to promote online learning and skills
Features new chapter on the nurse in staff development
Provides current guidelines on translating courses from the classroom to the online environment
Presents new content on Web-based learning theories and teaching with technology
Includes practical measures for student assessment and evaluation in online education backed by research and consensus
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