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Vanessa Bolosier

Sunshine Kitchen

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Creole food is one of the first fusion foods, drawing influences from the historic trading and mixing of cultures between the Islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the French West Indies. This sunshine-filled book is a celebration of the fresh and vibrant colours and tastes of the islands with recipes for Saltfish Fritters, Lobster Fricassé, Plantain Gratin and treats such as Mont Blanc Coconut Cake and Passion Fruit Rum Punch.
Drawing inspiration from her childhood kitchen author, Vanessa Bolosier, is on a mission to spread the love, sunshine and laughter that Caribbean Creole food brings. The recipes are both delicious and easy to make, filled with exotic flavours which transport you to the beachside paradise of the French Caribbean. This is a cookbook for anyone with a sense of adventure who longs for sunshine flavours.
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