Chris Towndrow

Tow Away Zone

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When a travelling salesman finds a town that's not on the map, he must choose between romance and a long-held promise of untold riches.

Beckman Spiers is a grey man in a grey world — and he's happy with that.
After twelve years of routine and grind, he's again fighting to become Number One Salesman of the Year. Legend has it, Number Ones get so rich, they never work again. With a week to go, Beckman is gaining on his nemesis, smooth-talking Tyler Quittle.

When a chance blowout on a deserted Arizona highway leaves Beckman stranded, the mysterious Saul arrives, and tows him to the strange neon-lit town of Sunrise. Here, he meets the glamorous Lolita Milan and his fortunes change.
Yet, Sunrise's small-town charms conceal secrets, and his world becomes one of fraught friendships, private investigators, and backstabbing
business deals.
What will he have to do to reach Number One?
And what will he do if he wins the race?

In this comedic, stylistic, and mysterious story, meet the most unique characters and get pulled into the colourful world of Sunrise.
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