Steven W. Palmer

Angkor Away

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Graphic designer Paul has a history. Having organized events on the London rave scene and supplied recreational drugs across the capital, he turns his back on his past life and leaves the UK to travel the world, picking up the odd bit of legal and illegal work on the way.

After meeting gifted Thai chemists, Paul sets up a lab in Northern Thailand, producing high-quality LSD. But there are others on the same turf who don't appreciate the competition. When his new business comes to the attention of a local crime lord, Paul has to take drastic measures to survive.

It doesn't take long for Paul to be pulled back into the world of drug trafficking, as he gets involved with the biggest cartel in the region. When things turn sour, a frantic hunt across South East Asia follows. But when Paul and his pursuers finally confront each other, the answers are not at all what he had expected.

This book contains adult content and is not recommended for readers under the age of 18.
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