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Summary : The Strategy Paradox – Michael Raynor

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The must-read summary of Michael Raynor's book: «The Strategy Paradox: Why Committing to Success Leads to Failure (and What to Do About It).This complete summary of the ideas from Michael Raynor's book “The Strategy Paradox” shows that whenever you develop a strategy to achieve a specific objective, you are also automatically making some implicit assumptions about what the future market forces will be. If that forecast of future market conditions turns out to be incorrect, then your strategy which had a reasonable chance of success might turn out to be an absolute failure. In his book, the author explains that this is the essence of the strategy paradox. This summary explains how to hedge your strategic bets by creating a number of strategic options which can be harnessed depending on the actual marketplace conditions and the four phases of the strategic flexibility process.Added-value of this summary:• Save time• Understand key concepts• Expand your knowledgeTo learn more, read “The Strategy Paradox” and discover the key to protecting your business from failure.
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