Michael Michalko

Creative Thinkering

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Why isn’t everyone creative? Why doesn’t education foster more ingenuity? Why is expertise often the enemy of innovation? Bestselling creativity expert Michael Michalko shows that in every ?eld of endeavor — from business and science to government, the arts, and even day-to-day life — natural creativity is limited by the prejudices of logic and the structures of accepted categories and concepts. Through step-by-step exercises, illustrated strategies, and inspiring real-world examples, he shows readers how to liberate their thinking and literally expand their imaginations by learning to synthesize dissimilar subjects, think paradoxically, and enlist the help of the subconscious mind. He also reveals the attitudes and approaches that diverse geniuses share — and anyone can emulate. Fascinating and fun, Michalko’s strategies facilitate the kind of lightbulb-moment thinking that changes lives — for the better.
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  • Luis Taverasje citiraoпре 6 година
    Our special gift is the imagination to make universal metaphoricalanalogical connections between two dissimilar areas of experience
  • Luis Taverasje citiraoпре 6 година
    You know the “why didn’t I think of that?” feeling you get when you observe a new idea or process? We’re struck by the obviousness of the idea once we see the analogical connection
  • Luis Taverasje citiraoпре 6 година
    Our ancient ancestors had no schools to teach them how to think. There were no scientists, artists, philosophers, or doctors to structure their imaginations. Their imaginations were unstructured and pure. They thought the way they were born to think, naturally and spontaneously. They conceptually combined the essences, functions, and patterns they perceived

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