Henry May,Edith B. Cohen

The Economical Jewish Cook: A Modern Orthodox Recipe Book for Young Housekeepers

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This is a modern orthodox Jewish recipe book for young housekeepers dealing with the preparation of economic as well as delightful dishes. This helpful cookbook was put together because many of the existing Jewish cookery books of that time demanded the use of ingredients and methods that were too expensive for everyday use. Contents include: Hints to Young Housekeepers. Chapter on Koshering. Soups. Milk Soups. Cheap Soups. Fish. Simple Ways of Using Cold Cooked Fish. Meat. Simple Ways of Using Cold Cooked Meat. Vegetables. Salads and Pickles. Sauces and Syrups. Pies, Puddings, and Sweet Dishes. Milk Puddings Breakfast Dishes Bread and Biscuits. Sweetmeats. Invalid Cookery. Passover Dishes.
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