Thomas del Marmol

BCG Growth-Share Matrix

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  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    The ‘mediocrity’ path. This path includes the activities that fall into the ‘question marks’ quadrant which fail to evolve into ‘stars’. These activities are brought to a standstill between the ‘dog’ and ‘question marks’ categories, generating significant money pits for more than disappointing results.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    The ‘disaster’ path. All scenarios do not reveal themselves to be as optimistic as those seen previously. In fact, if an activity in the ‘stars’ quadrant does not receive the expected investments, it could quickly find itself in the ‘dog’ quadrant.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    The ‘follower’ path. Similarly, profits generated by ‘cash cows’ can also be invested in the ‘question marks’ that have strong growth potential.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    of a SBU in the upper left ‘stars’ quadrant. The company that reinvests the profits is has generated (mainly from ‘cash cows’) in research and development can expect to follow the innovation path
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    The ‘innovation’ path. This corresponds to the direct arrival
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    ‘Heartland’ activities, where the manager understands and is capable of acting;
    • ‘Ballast’ activities where the manager understands, but does not have the necessary skills to make improvements;
    • ‘Value trap’ businesses, where general management can improve performance, but does not necessarily understand the logistics;
    • ‘Alien’ activities, which are clearly inappropriate as managers do not understand the logistics and do not have the skills to develop them.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    McKinsey’s G.E. matrix;
    • The Ashridge matrix.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    The experience effect. The relevance of this matrix is only genuine if there is an experience effect favoring the market leader.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    Self-financing. The BCG growth-share matrix neglects the possibility of external financing for the company.
  • Elena Zhadanovaje citiralaпре 9 година
    The ‘question marks’, sometimes called ‘problem children’, include activities which have a relatively low market share in growing markets.
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