Serena Yates

The Journey Of The Prophets

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Journeying with the prophets is a book that engages its readers to time travel into the lifetime of the prophets, living the life of their people, making their mistakes, receiving their punishments.
The writer aims to spiritually take you there and return you to present-day to ponder, evaluate, and self— examine the purpose of your creation
God sends prophets in every nation to tell humankind about him. Islam informs its followers to believe in the messages of all the prophets.
Journeying with the Prophets takes you through the era of Prophets Adam, Noah, Hud, Saleh, Shoaib, Abrahim, Isaacs, Ismail, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Ezekiel, Ezra, Samuel, Goliath, David, John, Zacharia, John,  Mary and Jesus, and the seal of all Prophets Muhammed (May the peace and blessings of God be upon them all).
Written as a book for children, Journeying With The Prophets makes interesting reading for both adults and children.
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