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Jack Hawley

The Bhagavad Gita

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The Bhagavad Gita has been called India's greatest contribution to the world. For more than five thousand years, this great scripture has shown millions in the East how to fill their lives with serenity and love. In these pages, Jack Hawley brings these ancient secrets to Western seekers in a beautiful prose version that makes the story of the Gita clear and exciting, and makes its truths understandable and easy to apply to our busy lives.

The Gita is a universal love song sung by God to His friend man. It can't be confined by any creed. It is a statement of the truths at the core of what we all already believe, only it makes those truths clearer, so they become immediately useful in our daily lives. These truths are for our hearts, not just our heads.

The Gita is more than just a book, more than mere words or concepts. There is an accumulated potency in it. To read the Gita is to be inspired in the true sense of the term: to be “inspirited,” to inhale the ancient and ever-new breath of spiritual energy.
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  • Daria Rosyukje citiralaпре 7 година
    The one who is firmly established in the Atma knows the real meaning of being Self-sufficient. That person has no dependence of any kind on anybody and has nothing to gain or lose by either action or inaction.”
  • Daria Rosyukje citiralaпре 7 година
    Engage in action, do your work, but with full control of your mind and senses. And be aware that the work you do should contribute in some way, directly or indirectly, to the higher good of humanity.
  • Daria Rosyukje citiralaпре 7 година
    know the nature of the mind, Arjuna. It is restless and hard to subdue, but it can be done. There are four main ways to do it: through regular practice, relentless inquiry, nonattachment, and firm faith.

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