P. G. Wodehouse

Ring For Jeeves

The problem of disposing of his beautiful, stately, but interminably damp home, is becoming quite a headache for William, ninth Earl of Rowcester. So when Mrs. Spottsworth, a rich American widow, expresses an interest in adding Rowcester Abbey to her collection of residences, William does all in his power to bring the deal to a quick and happy conclusion. Unforeseen set-backs arise that seem insurmountable until the inimitable Jeeves takes over…
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  • stoodyje podelio/la utisakпре 4 године

    Biggar's stories became tedious and it was a trifle strange that "Reggie", the man with the fish assisted mental powers, would take part in skuldugerous activities like bookmaking, fraud and theft.
    It seems he has purposely decided to abandon previous standards of behaviour and try the wild side.

    If you appreciate PG's prose this is another notch on the bedpost.


  • Daria Lytkinje citiralaпре 2 године
    if the only means of securing it was to go to Rosalinda Spottsworth and coo, then go and coo he must.
  • b7244423708je citiraoпре 4 године
    easure in the arms of another man, particularly another man as good-looking as William,
  • trihawkjonje citiraoпре 4 године
    Remember that man's life lies all within this present, as 'twere but a hair's-breadth of time. As for the rest, the past is gone, the future yet unseen."
    "Marcus Aurelius, m'lord."

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