Nick Trenton

The Art of Letting Go

  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    factor toward realizing true contentment within oneself rather than constantly striving after success alone as validation for one's worthiness as a human being.
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    ultimate goal is to cultivate a nonjudgmental stance, which means that individuals learn to recognize and accept things as they are, without labeling them as good or bad. In essence, the focus is on understanding and accepting the facts, rather than applying subjective judgments or opinions.
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    Nonjudgmental thinking is the act of observing and recognizing one’s thoughts without attaching any labels or opinions to them. This mental state is important in letting go because it allows people to view their experiences objectively and without bias. Without nonjudgmental thinking, they may hold on to negative thoughts or emotions, creating unnecessary stress and anxiety.
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    their struggles, but there was nothing they could do to change them. Now that they have these two circles, they can begin to see where they can leverage what they have to improve their situation.

    They can focus their energy and attention on the things within their control, such as studying more effectively or seeking help from their professor. They can let go of the things that are outside of their control, such as how difficult the course material is or how other students are doing.

    This will help the student feel more empowered and less helpless in the face of their struggles. They can take action where they can and accept the things they cannot change. By focusing on what they can control, they can increase their chances of success and feel more confident in their abilities.
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    How much time they spent studying each day.
    • How they studied (taking notes, reading the textbook, watching videos, etc.)
    • Whether they asked questions in class or reached out to their professor for help.
    • How they approached each exam (staying calm, reading each question carefully, double-checking their work, etc.)

    In the larger circle, they could write down the things that were outside of their control. For example, they could write:

    • How difficult the course material is.
    • How the exams are structured and graded.
    • How much time they have to complete each exam.
    • Whether other students in the class are performing well.

    These are all things they cannot control, no matter how hard they try. They may have contributed
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    is unpredictable, and sometimes things just don't go according to plan. When faced with circumstances that might seem out of one’s control, it's important to remember that not everything is entirely within one’s grasp. However, that doesn't mean people should simply sit back and watch as life happens. Rather, they should strive to make the most of every situation, even if they can only control part of it.
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    In this way, the practice of leaving partial control to providence can help people avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety over situations they cannot control. By focusing on what they can control and accepting what they cannot, individuals can approach life with a sense of peace and equanimity, even in the face of challenges and adversity.
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    Step 3 of practicing and applying the dichotomy of control seeks to answer the age-old question "Is this under my control?" If one's answer to this is "partially," Epictetus advises individuals to make the best of the situation and leave the rest to providence. This means that individuals should take responsibility for what they can control and influence
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    taking this step-by-step approach, Tim can better understand what actions he can take to address the situation and what actions he needs to let go of. He can then focus his energy on the things he can control, which can help him feel more empowered and productive. In this way, the habit of constantly asking oneself whether a given situation or circumstance is under their control can be a practical and actionable tool for managing stress and improving one's ability to navigate challenging
  • shlundafergusonje citiraoпре 13 сати
    Step 2 of practicing the dichotomy of control is to develop the habit of constantly asking oneself whether a given situation or circumstance is under their control. This involves being mindful of one's thoughts and reactions and questioning whether they have any power to change the situation at hand.
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