George Mordaunt

Business, Recession and Recovery

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Anthology containing:

Shepherd's Pie: Recession and Recovery in an Irish Business by George MordauntBack in the Driving Seat by George Mordaunt
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412 štampanih stranica
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  • James Appellje citiraoпре 10 година
    deepest place.
    Judith Wright
  • James Appellje citiraoпре 10 година
    For many people affected by the global economic collapse there is a common denominator – the point where they lost control. Control is critical in many aspects of life. Despite my best efforts to tell my story as honestly as I could, I found myself having mixed emotions as I put the finishing touches to Shepherd’s Pie in the summer of 2011. On one hand I felt positive and upbeat about the final chapter of the story – thrilled to have found the words to express how I felt with that last sentence. I had been troubled by where the story would lead because I really didn’t know the ending when I started writing and, truthfully, I still had no idea where it would take me. I was about to go public with my story of recovery, how I had taken control of my financial life and made the banks disappear from my life, knowing full well that at any point it could all blow up in my face. I needed to stop and consider what was around the corner.

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