Corinne McKay

How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator, Second Edition

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The original how-to guide for people who want to launch and run a successful freelance translation business! With over 5,000 copies in print, the first edition of How to Succeed as a Freelance translator has become a widely-cited reference for the translation industry. The fully revised second edition includes 200+ pages of practical tips on writing a translation-targeted resume and cover letter, preparing a marketing plan, setting up a functional home office, finding and keeping well-paying clients and more! New in this edition: separate sections on marketing to agencies and direct clients, a new chapter focusing on your first year as a freelance translator and a new chapter on online networking and social media. Plus a preview of the author's next book, “Thoughts on Translation”
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  • Cory Sosaje citiralaпре 7 година
    On the pro side, charging by the word, especially by the source word, means that everyone knows in advance how much the translation will cost. A 10,000 word translation at 20 cents per word will cost exactly $2,000, no matter how long it takes the translator to complete it. Charging by the word is also an advantage for experienced translators and those who keep up with advances in translation productivity software, since translators who work faster make more money. Finally, charging by the word leaves very little room for debate or interpretation about what work is billable and what work is not; the translator simply issues an invoice for the number of words translated (just make sure to always agree in advance on whether you will bill for the source or target word count).
  • Cory Sosaje citiralaпре 7 година
    This way of billing has various advantages and disadvantages for both translators/editors and their clients
  • Cory Sosaje citiralaпре 7 година
    Translators have traditionally charged by the word, with editors charging either by the word or by the hour.

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