Michelle Reid

Hot-Blooded Husbands

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{"strong"=>["To Have"]}
One year ago Leona had left her arrogant, passionate husband Sheikh Hassan ben Khalifa AlQadim, but now he’s tricked her into returning to his side, and it seems he is prepared to go to any lengths to keep her there…back in his bed!
{"strong"=>[" And "]}
Ethan Hayes thinks Eve Herakleides is nothing but a spoilt tease. But, when a senseless attack makes him her rescuer, Ethan ends up posing as her fiancé! Suddenly twentyfour seven with Eve and even ironwilled Ethan is tempted…
{"strong"=>["To Hold"]}
Melanie fell in love with Rafiq AlQadim years ago. But when lies about her surfaced, he blew her out of his life like a grain of desert sand in the wind… Yet now Melanie is determined Rafiq will accept his son!
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