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Marilynn Hughes

Practices, Prayer, Ritual, Liturgy, Sacraments and Theology in the Catholic Church: An Overview

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PRACTICES, PRAYER, RITUAL, LITURGY, SACRAMENTS AND THEOLOGY IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: The Catholic and Christian Faith is so deep and rich that it’s hard to wrap your mind around it. For those interested in getting an overview of the Catholic Faith, you’ll learn about the Early Church Fathers, Apostolic Canons, The Holy Mass, Liturgy, Sacraments, Prayers and Devotions, Cardinal and Theological Virtues, Mortal and Venial Sin, the Doctrine of Purgatory and the many Theologies of the Church (Moral, Mystical, Ascetical, Dogmatic). This book gives you an overview and insight into a subject otherwise only understood through lengthy study.
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