Jonathan Robinson

Find Happiness Now

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  • dariadiaje citiralaпре 2 године
    From this experience I surmised that the key to overcoming one's fear of rejection is to set it up so that getting rejected is seen as a success. My actual goal was to get ten rejections, and only by doing so would I be rewarded by getting my money back. As I faced my fear, I saw that it wasn't so bad. I could survive. Since I was fully prepared for what would happen, it didn't seem like a big deal anymore. I noticed that with each and every rejection, it got easier. In addition, as my fear went away and I became more relaxed, I was often rewarded with an unexpected “yes.”
  • ireneyena99je citiraoпрошле године
    cult-ure,” tells us we can find “happiness” by pursuing external things—like possessions and achievements.
  • ireneyena99je citiraoпрошле године
    ? Because you think if you had riches, or love, or whatever you say you want, you'd be really happy.
  • ireneyena99je citiraoпрошле године
    happiness is not always to be found in the external acquisition of things and money, as we have often been told it is
  • Pema Chokeyje citiralaпрошле године
    Every human being wants to avoid emotional or physical pain and gain emotional or physical pleasure.
  • b7020104531je citiraoпрошле године
    Our own lives are filled with a constant barrage of stress. With so much negative information overwhelming us at all times, we need an easy and effective way to replenish our souls.
  • b7020104531je citiraoпрошле године
    The Magical Movie List
  • b7020104531je citiraoпрошле године
    When a movie touches your heart, it can inspire you to new heights of hope and possibility. It can almost instantly change your attitude and how you feel.
  • b7020104531je citiraoпрошле године
    gently reminding you of the road to greater fulfillment.
  • b7020104531je citiraoпрошле године
    Even a small change can snowball into a major shift in your attitude and disposition.
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