Anita Notaro

The WWW Club

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In their quest for cellulite reduction and a sexy self-image, Ellie Simpson, a Dublin nanny, and her three best friends—Maggie, a secretary; Pam, a divorced mother of two; and Toni, a nurse—have tried them all: Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Cabbage Soup . . . even the Avocado and Rice Krispies Gut-Cleansing Regime! But losing a paltry five pounds seems as difficult for them as finding lasting love, so they decide to form the WWW (Women Watching Weight) Club. Once a week they meet to talk sex, spider veins, and the grim digestive realities of the latest diet craze, while freely indulging in wine, beer, and calorie-packed takeout without the slightest trace of guilt (vowing after their weekly weigh-in to start their diets again tomorrow).
But when the women of the WWW Club agree that the first member to lose seven pounds will win a date set up by the other three, Ellie finds herself facing a dilemma—torn between her loyalty to her best friends and her own deepening feelings for one man who just might be everything she's ever wanted.
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