Graham Hill

Salt, Light, and a City, Second Edition

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Graham Hill's pioneering classic remains the seminal work on missional ecclesiology. The bestselling first edition redefined theology for the missional church. Hill builds biblical foundations in conversation with major theologians, including Sarah Coakley, John Zizioulas, Stanley Hauerwas, Miroslav Volf, and Jurgen Moltmann. In this major update, he offers new insights and provides fresh examples of missional churches. In the first edition, Hill interacted with twelve major theologians to build a missional ecclesiology. In this thoroughly updated edition, he interacts with sixteen major theologians from the Western world. This edition includes five new chapters and an expanded treatment on the key convictions of global missional theology. It also offers a new study guide that has been uploaded on an innovative website linked to this book. This expanded edition now becomes volume 1 in a series on missional ecclesiology. In volume 2, Hill will turn our attention to voices from the Majority World.

Known for his groundbreaking approach to theology--theology for the global missional community--Hill shows how God is releasing his global church to mission, across all cultures and Christian traditions. This extensive update to Hill's influential work offers pioneering theology and practices that will continue to shape the global missional church for generations.
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