Students' Academy

Literature Help: A Child Called “It

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The book has been highly successful, and consequently it made its place on the New York Times bestseller list. After its publication, more than 1.6 million copies of the book were sold in five years.

The author became a celebrity in a very short time, and he began to appear on several talk shows on television channels. He would tell the audiences about his experiences and the book.

Literature Help: A Child Called “It”
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Plot Overview
Chapter Three: Major Characters
Chapter Four: Complete Summary
Chapter Five: Critical Analysis
Ova knjiga je trenutno nedostupna
37 štampanih stranica
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  • Jeimy Domínguezje citiralaпре 8 година
    His troubles would not have ended if a teacher at school had not informed the police about the predicament of the child.
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