Jan-Jan Joubert

Will South Africa Be Okay

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In South Africa, they say, the best — and the worst — never happens. But how do we know the country is not going to tumble down the precipice this time? South Africans who are fed up with corruption — but love the country — have been waiting hopefully for nearly a decade for the Zuma era to come to an end. Now Cyril Ramaphosa is in charge, yet the future still seems uncertain. Since Ramaphosa moved into the Union Buildings, the unemployment rate has skyrocketed. The economy is stagnant. With Eskom barely being able to keep the lights on, populism on the rise and controversial schemes like a national health insurance being proposed, more and more South Africans are unsure about what the future holds. There are undoubtedly major challenges facing the country. Are we plummeting into the abyss this time, or is there hope? Will we be okay? The seasoned political journalist JAN-JAN JOUBERT looks at the burning issues of the day that can determine our fate. Will South Africa Be Okay? is essential reading for every South African who cares about the country's future and wants to be better informed.
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