Simon Warren

Cycling Climbs of Scotland

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Presenting the sixth book in a series of eight UK regionalcycling climb guides from the author of the bestselling 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs and Another 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs.;
Wild, remote, windswept and downright epic, the climbs of Scotland are not for the faint of heart. Crossing weather-beaten islands and often snow-covered mountains, these great roads demand the utmost respect and are often set in scenes of indescribable beauty. The famous glens and lochs that draw visitors from around the globe are the backdrop to legends such as The Lecht, The Talla Wall and the one and only Bealach-nà-Ba. So if you like your cycling rough and rugged, if you crave fresh air and pristine wilderness, then head north to tackle the Cycling Climbs of Scotland.
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