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Pamela Hodge

My Crazy Life: A Humorous Guide to Understanding Mast Cell Disorders

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Follow Pam through an intriguing tale of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. At the age of 40 she developed many allergies to foods, medications and even her husband! She became salicylate sensitive and histamine intolerant overnight. Suddenly, she found herself unable to live in her home, and unable to eat most foods.
Pam had severe reactions to many foods and medications and yet every allergy test came back negative. Mast cell disorder — the rare disorder that never follows the rules. She has created this guide for the patient by organizing and consolidating the relevant information that is scattered about the web. She has also created this guide for the family and friends of the patient, to help them to understand the bizarre symptoms and what they can do to help. It is a humorous look into the lives of the people who are the exception to the rule.
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