Todd Duncan

Time Traps

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The answer may shock you. In fact, as much as 75 percent of the time you spend at work is probably a waste of time. That’s right. 75 percent! If you’re looking to the exploding field of time-management tools for answers, you’re only wasting more time. After all, you can’t manage time. The only thing you can truly manage is what you do with your time.
If you’re ready to propel your career and your life to new heights, Time Traps is the book. And now is the time.
“Time Traps teaches how balancing your time and using it effectively can get you the freedom you seek.” –Dr. Stephen R. Covey, Author of the international bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
“Todd Duncan knows what it takes to get the most out of a day, and you would be all the wiser for heeding his advice in Time Traps. It’s a career and life-changing book.” –John C. Maxwell, New York Times best-selling author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
“Don’t waste another second reading these quotes! Open this book and start learning how to expand your business without sacrificing your life.” –Gary Keller, Author of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent
“Todd Duncan shows you how to use your time rather than abuse it. He’ll teach you to make time an ally to become productive and prosperous. Make time to read this book.” –Mark Sanborn, Author of The Fred Factor and president of Sanborn & Associates, Inc.
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