Eric Spencer

Dog Training Basics – How to Train Your Dog

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Getting a new puppy or adult dog is always an exciting time for the entire family. There is a good reason why dogs are known as man's best friend, and a loyal dog is more than just a pet as they becoming a beloved member of the family.

In order to achieve that level of love and companionship, however, it is important to start you need puppy or adult dog off on the right foot. A solid grounding in obedience and problem behavior avoidance is essential to making your dog, and you, happier and healthier.

Chapter 1: The Basic Commands
Chapter 2: Training Your New Puppy
Chapter 3: Leash/Collar Training
Chapter 4: Head Collar Training
Chapter 5: Training Collar or Choke Collar
Chapter 6: Reward Training
Chapter 7: Crate and House Training
Chapter 8: Dog Obedience Training
Chapter 9: Dog Training Issues
Chapter 10: Advanced Dog Training Exercises
Chapter 11: More Dog or Puppy Training Issues and Exercises
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