
Emerge Restored

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A child's imagination doesn't always end in fairytales. In Emerge Restored, author D.Marie chronicles how through a mix of resilience and forgiveness, she reclaimed her life following the devastation of molestation, rape, excruciating stints in foster care and years of horrific abuse at the hands of her mother. Struggling to find a safe place in the world, the neglect proved to be so overwhelming, she began questioning God's presence in her life. But instead of breaking… she chose to live! Moving from foster care to freedom never seemed to be in the cards for D.Marie, but she conquered every giant trying to block her from the life of love, peace and joy she so richly deserves. If you have suffered severe trauma, Emerge Restored is the emergency room where you'll find the sister, coach and advocate committed to helping you release the past and embrace the destiny you desire. Are you ready to be restored? D. Marie resolved to no longer allow the trauma to define her. Now on the other side, she relates how she overcame the painful memories and is using her story to inspire others. Equally heartbreaking and uplifting, Emerge Restored, is a both a story of survival and a rallying cry for reclaiming one's life after trauma.
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