Brad Steiger,Sherry Hansen Steiger

Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldy Beings

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An expert on the unexplained and paranormal research, Brad and Sherry Steiger turn their unique and remarkable talents to the bold storytelling of encounters with the unknown from throughout the ages. From mysterious strangers and unpredictable beings to weird behavior and paranormal phenomena, they investigate claims of visits from ghastly ghosts, otherworldly creatures, aliens living among us, phantoms, spirits and other accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Over 130 astounding accounts of Real Encounters with the supernatural, such as … *Visitors from others worlds who have had Earth under surveillance for centuries, conducting their activities in secret-— even abducting humans for their own research and undeclared ends. *Members of secret societies who developed an advanced technology centuries ago which has been kept hidden in underground or undersea cities. *Time Travelers from the Future. Beings who claim to be our descendents from the future who are returning to study the true destiny of humankind. *Ghosts that haunt people, places, and things--and poltergeists that create havoc. *Beasties and monsters found in everyone’s worst nightmares--and sometimes in their campsites, fields, and yards. *Other Dimensional Visitors, Beings, Creatures, or Entities that come not from a faraway world in our solar system or any other, but from an adjacent space-time continuum existing on another vibrational/dimensional frequency or level. *Previously unknown, unidentified terrestrial life-forms, such beings as “sky-critters,” “sky fish,” “rods,” and “orbs.” *As yet unknown physical energies that may be activated by the psyche, the unconscious level of the human mind. *Archetypal creatures and entities of the collective unconscious that are the result of energies that are accessible through dreams, meditations, and other states of altered consciousness. *Interactions with beings that have been dubbed elves, fairies, devas throughout the centuries. *The marvelous, creative facet of dreams. *Out-of-body mind-traveling through Time and Space. *Majestic beings who are described in the scriptures of many world religions as angels or demons.
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